Get OutSystems Personal Environment

2 min readOct 1, 2021

Register & Download

Go to and get yourself a personal Environment by providing your information and follow the indicated steps.

  1. Click [Try for free] button

2. Click [GET STARTED FOR FREE] button

3. Check your email

4. Click [CLICK ME] button on your email

5. Set your account password, and click [CREATE YOUR CLOUD ENVIRONMENT] button

Note your cloud environment address, username and password. Don’t forget it :)

Service Studio Install & Launch

Service Studio is downloaded automatically after creating your cloud environment. Service Studio is an OutSystems IDE.

If Service Studio has not been downloaded, please access here and download it.

  1. Click [INSTALL] button.

2. Click [LAUNCH THE TUTORIAL] button.

3. Fill out and select your company information, and click [CONTINUE] button.

4. Select your interesting for OutSystems, and click [CONTINUE] button.

5. Almost done! Click [Development Environment (IDE)] button.


You are all set for using OutSystems! Let’s build applications with Service Studio.




Written by Taiji

Datadog Senior Developer Advocate | Ex-OutSystems Dev Community Advocate | Ex-IBM Dev Advocate | Microsoft MVP | 筑波大学、名城大学非常勤講師 | 記事は個人の見解であり、所属する組織とは関係ありません。

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